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Storage _ The Room of Non(n)-repeating

All the works in this room share a common motif: the pattern. However, they are never perfectly repeated due to the handcrafted and multi-layered nature of the making process. Consequently, the outcome possesses both patterns and non-patterns simultaneously. In the pieces, the runner discovered the changes and infiniteness created by the subtle gaps, that are similar to the little differences between everyday life. Additionally, he found a comprehensive structure in which the objects in the work coexist and keep each other in check, maintaining a relational balance.

・ <Non(n)-repeating> Some people might define their lives as a repetition by putting even number in the 'n’ in the title (non-non-repeating). In contrast, those who discovered the infinite diversity in their lives might use odd numbers.

・ <0.17>, <227>, <1397>, <1333>, <1387>, <1360> The titles of some three-dimensional artworks are numbers that represent the weight of the artwork divided by the number of objects or cells within it. This could be interpreted as a metaphor for how, within complex structures, individuals take the burdens of the world together.

・ Works with gifts These pieces are gifts to those who supported (or simply stayed with) the artists who have left their mark in art history. The works are also a tribute to those who, by being there at the right time, provided a stablilty for the precarious artists, helping them to realize their dreams.

・ <A Warn Dice> They are machines designed for throwing dice. The related essay is <Game-Changer> in the room of conviction.

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